Sponsor EIFF

Tap for EIFF2020 Sponsorship Opportunities

EQUUS INTERNATIONAL Film Festival®, the first equine-focused international film event and conference, gives you the opportunity to reach thousands with your message and your mission, your service or your business, while receiving extensive visibility and exposure.  This event will bring widespread attention to your target audience on all things equine. The focus is on you, your product, your organization and your interests.

This is a unique and important film event and conference that fills an important niche.
For those who want to reach equine enthusiasts, advocates and participants in new and different ways, this event will provide that forum.  As EIFF continues to grow annually in its outreach and impact, your audience reach will grow as well.   For those whose interests are devoted to all things equine, and with a deep understanding of the equine arena, this will become one of the most exciting and important events on the equine scene.  A touring EIFF will also soon be available to communities, cities, and groups nationwide and  worldwide.

If you love equines, enjoy film and television, and great story telling, we hope you will support the EQUUS International Film Festival®.  You can make a difference and help us in our mission, through your support of this international film event. Partnering and sponsoring the EQUUS INTERNATIONAL Film Festival®, an education and outreach project of the not-for-profit, Horse Haven Montana, will make a difference and a good portion of your sponsorship support is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. EIFF®, is under the umbrella of Horse Haven Montana, a 501c3 not for profit equine organization.

Other Values Of Sponsorship Include
Exceptional market exposure to an equine-related audience

* As the event grows, so will your public exposure and visibility, your outreach and market impact
* Excellent Advertising and Marketing Programs and Campaigns
* Extensive Local, Regional National and International Recognition
* Exceptional Opportunity to Grow Your Equine Business, Client and Consumer Base
* Expanded marketing opportunities & enhanced logo exposure

Icone cuir contact
PO Box 599, Frenchtown, Montana 59834